Apr 1Liked by Bar Scott

It’s good to keep our loved ones close, especially those who’ve gone. They have ways to help and gifts to give in spite of our pain and loss. The gifts from John Alan are many.The loss but one.

Over and over,serendipity

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What a wonderful story. People. Such a small planet with so many beautiful connections.

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Apr 1Liked by Bar Scott

The beauty of pain, love, and years brought together by a name. Thank you for this story and song.

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What a very serendipitous amazing result of a "not fearful" response on your part to John Alan! The song is beautiful--and I truly appreciated the back story. You and Brent share a sweet understanding of each other---wonderful to witness it a bit. I am so glad the story and song are going together so well.

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You have a gift, Bar, for deep befriending. And your music is a pure kind of listening that helps those who hear it listen better.

Though I'm still subscribed, for some reason, for MONTHS, Substack has not sent me your posts! I've been catching up tonight. And it's just SO good to be in your company again :-)

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